Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I mentioned about a week ago that the long time Director of the ThunderBoomer Girl Scout Camp had passed away.  I wanted to post some pictures of Charlotte.  Or Charlie - that being what most of us called her.

One of the jokes at camp was that you could never get a picture of Charlie.  Usually you would get a picture of her hand in front of her face about 2 inches from the camera lens.  Or you would get her backside -

There are two shots that I have where she manages to partially hide behind other objects.  One is with an inner-tube at the pool - couldn't find it to scan it.  The other was behind two polaroid pictures.  That picture I do have a scan of.  It is on a page in one of the scrapbooks we kept.  It is a large scan, so click on it and it will open up in a much larger frame.  Charlie is the one hiding in the top right.

I did manage to, over the years, get a few decent photos (and some not so good photos).  Here are a few more of Charlie.

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