Sunday, August 01, 2010

More Steve Jackson Games - Cthulhu Lives!

Last week I mentioned how we bought some games while on vacation in Boston.  Along with Zombie Dice, we purchased "Cthulu Dice".  It is another simple dice game (die game actually - is that a pun?).  In this game, each player picks a target player and tries to curse him in an attempt to steal their sanity.  Sanity is measured with little glass stones.  When only one person has any sanity left, he is the winner.  If everyone runs out of sanity, Cthulu wins.

We have played this game with different groups of friends.  Learning curve is short - maybe three minutes to learn.  Like Zombie Dice, this game does not have the depth to be the sole focus of a game night.  Unlike Zombie Dice, Cthulu Dice has the "screw your neighbor" quality that many find fun - Kinda like "Lunch Money" - a long time favorite that I should write about later.

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