Friday morning I tried to start up my computer at work and . . .
. . .
. . .
. . . nothing happened!!!
It sucked and is still sucking!
I ended up taking the whole thing to circuit city and literally shouting '
FIREDOG"! to the customer service person. I nice tech-geek named Shane helped me come to the conclusion that I needed to wipe my hard drive and start over.
There is good news in this. We were able to save my recent work documents before wiping the drive. Most of my other stuff was backed up in one way or another. My music was on my
Zen player. Other documents and pictures were backed up on an external drive. I did lose many of my downloaded programs. I also lost my
Neverwinter Nights characters and saves.
Reloading everything had some benefits. Lots of little programs that were constantly running in the background got wiped out. I decided to ditch Internet Explorer and loaded
Mozilla Firefox as my web browser. I had one heck of a time getting my
VONGO player running. I finally got that figured out late Saturday night.
So, in the end I have learned that it is a great idea to keep your files backed up and that I am way to attached to my computer. I'm back up and running! Now, more posts!