Monday, July 31, 2006

Ping Pong

We have a new Regional Manager where I work. I know his name, that he went to Lycoming College, that he wrestles and does the SPM training. I also know he considers himself quite the ping pong player. I wonder if he would be good enough to take on these champions?

Table Tennis Top 10 Shots - video powered by Metacafe

Master Ping-Pong - video powered by Metacafe

Sunday, July 30, 2006

My first Audio Post (continued)

In the further pursuit of geekiness, I have tried an Audio Post. It is as easy as leaving a voice message but twice as cool.

Check this -- A "famous personality" used Audioblog --

Wil Wheaton, the Star Trek Wesley, has a huge Blog that he has been maintaining for years. An original Blogger? Tons of geeky stuff. He is a Poker Player and an Author. He has written Two books and plays in poker tournaments across the globe. Check out his Blog. I know you want to.

And hear is a bit where he "goes off" about his Apple and Poker.

Explains why I stuck with the mainstream computers.

My first Audio Post

this is an audio post - click to play

Monday, July 10, 2006

Playing with HTML?

I don't presume to know much about current computer languages, programming, or internet protocols. I thought I would delve into what I find complicated.

Blogger is nice. It does not require much in the way of computer smarts. I've managed to post a video to my Blog. That was an additive thing. It didn't require I delve into the HTML editor. It was still point and click, computer illiterate stuff.

Today I performed, what in my mind is, HTML surgery. I added a web link!

OK - not that big a deal for many of you. To me - ripping open the fabric of online safety. I frustrate over each key click. What if I screw this up? I won't know what I broke, let alone how to fix it. It looks like a complex chemical formula or mystic equation. I just look for what the help page for Blogger tells me to look for and substitute my information. And . . . it looks like it worked!

It is all about baby step. Baby steps. baby steps. baby steps. baby steps.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Hazleton Mayor takes on Illegal immigration

Hazleton Mayor Lou Barletta has decided to act on behalf of his community. He has proposed an Illegal Immigration Relief Act which (as best as I can figure) is comprised of three key measures.

  1. Companies that hire illegal immigrants will be pushed out of Hazleton. Businesses will not get permits to do business in town, the city will not contract with any companies that use illegal immigrants, and penalties for such actions will last a minimum of five years.
  2. Landlords will be the first line of defense. Landlords will be fined for knowingly allowing illegal immigrants to reside in their rentals. The city will provide assistance for landowners in determining if a renter is a legal resident or an illegal immigrant. Fines will accrue at $1000 per illegal immigrant knowingly renting property.
  3. The official language of Hazleton will be English. No more dual or multiple language forms. All city business will be done in english.

Mayor Barletta, a Republican son of a past Democratic Party Chairman for the city, has pointed out that this is not a racist measure. The Act does not target any particular race or non-US citizenship. He wants this ordinance to make Hazleton the hardest place in the country for illegals to settle.

He believes this is necessary because illegals have created an enormous drain on his city's resources. Everything from a police call for a noise complaint to violent (and deadly) crime that involves illegals, comes out of the taxpayers money. Illegal's kids in school, health problems that require medical attention, or even sending out a code enforcement officer to inspect a rental property used by illegals, costs the city money. Mayor Barletta has had enough and has taken action.

Mayor Barletta has realized that it does not help to wait for Federal or State Government to take action. If this problem, like others, is to be solved, the answers will come from the local community level. Best of Luck Mayor. You are a Great American.

To support Mayor Barletta, check his Open Letter and e-mail your support.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Monday, July 03, 2006

Superman-Truth, Justice, and wtf

I really enjoyed the newest Superman movie. The effects were great, the story worked, my kids sat through it without fussing -- A thumbs-up from this critic.

However -- Why was it so hard for Perry White to say the traditional tag line of Superman standing for "Truth, Justice, and the American Way"? Instead, the viewer gets "Truth, Justice, and all that other stuff". What is wrong with the American Way? Is Hollywood scared of Liberal backwash.

Would Superman become the bad guy if he happened to behave like most Americans? Superman is selfless and does the right thing. He protects the innocent from evil doers. He can becuase he is the most powerful man on the planet. Our Nation is the most powerful nation on the planet. It is our duty as a nation to stand-up and protect those who cannot protect themselves.

If Spiderman can keep "with great power comes great responsability", I do not understand why Superman can't still represent --
Truth, Justice, and the American Way!