Monday, July 10, 2006

Playing with HTML?

I don't presume to know much about current computer languages, programming, or internet protocols. I thought I would delve into what I find complicated.

Blogger is nice. It does not require much in the way of computer smarts. I've managed to post a video to my Blog. That was an additive thing. It didn't require I delve into the HTML editor. It was still point and click, computer illiterate stuff.

Today I performed, what in my mind is, HTML surgery. I added a web link!

OK - not that big a deal for many of you. To me - ripping open the fabric of online safety. I frustrate over each key click. What if I screw this up? I won't know what I broke, let alone how to fix it. It looks like a complex chemical formula or mystic equation. I just look for what the help page for Blogger tells me to look for and substitute my information. And . . . it looks like it worked!

It is all about baby step. Baby steps. baby steps. baby steps. baby steps.

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