Friday, April 27, 2007

Newspaper Article

Yippee! I made the newspaper!

You can read the article. I was flattered to be in the paper and represent Bethesda Day Treatment Center.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Grain Truck

On my way to work, I see this truck parked in the lot near the gas station that I get my coffee at.

"What could have done this?", I ask myself.

Well . . . I guess you do need to read those signs on the overpasses!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

What I've been up to

The anthem of most Bloggers - sorry I haven't posted lately.

Blah, Blah, Blah.

I just have not found the time, motivation, or reason to Blog. I have been, as often happens, experimenting with other things geeky.

I've also been reading. I'll probably post on that later.

On to important matters --

Pennies for Patience is done. Pictures first --

Mr. Matt plays guitar while Mr. Jim sings me a redneck love song.

Ms. Tiff chugs a 'concoction' of Octopus, rotten spaghetti, spoiled yogurt, and several other tasty items.

And the Grand totals --

Young Class $247.97
Middle Class $378.44
Old Class $377.83

Total $1004.24

Not bad for only thirty some students!